Bowls Notes 10th February 2017
Post date: Feb 12, 2017 6:9:52 AM
Friday 10th February: Results of social playC Marcinkus, J. Burmeister and S. Sparke defeated J. Reed, J. Barrett and J. Scougall. Also S Gastaldon and L. Scougall defeated G. Roberts and D. Francis. Although the weather was hot, there was a nice breeze from the river which made the more comfortable. Thanks to John Scougall for coming along to play with the ladies.
Next Friday, 17th February, we will be having the Bundaberg Men versus the Bundaberg Ladies with play commencing at 1.00 pm. Please come along members to help make this day an enjoyable one for all.
Also on the 17th February at 9.30 is a committee meeting for the Bundaberg ladies. We have some important events coming up and we need to finalise these.
To the Armed bowlers of Bundaberg clubs, please put your nominations in for the Armed Bowling Day on Friday 3rd March. We have teams from Urangan, and Dalby already nominated together with some local clubs as well. Play commences at 9.00 a.m., cost $25 per player. This includes morning and afternoon tea plus a light lunch.Teams will consist of 2 armed bowlers and one non armed bowler. Teams or single nominations are accepted.
Te Bundaberg District Bowls Association (Ladies Section) will be holding the District Championship Fours at the Bundaberg Club on Thursday and Friday 6th and 7th April. A List is son our board, please put your teams up to play in this event.
A List is also on the board for our Ladies Open Fours which will be on Friday 31st March.$1500 Prise money - cost $100 per team - Morning tea and Lunch provided. Play commences at 9.00 a.m.
Club nominations close on 17th February at 12.00 noon. Ladies we are very low on Championship nominations, so please come along and put a team in or at least put your name down and we may be able to help you with a team. President Shirley will be doing the draw at approximately 12 15 p.m. and everyone is welcome to attend.