Bowls Notes 1st February 2021
Post date: Feb 01, 2021 7:38:51 AM
Tuesday 26 January:
Australia Day social bowls and sausage sizzle.
Winners: A. Holt, J. Clough, G. Mallett.
Sportspersons: R. Harrison, B. McKinnon, B. Lowndes.
Thursday 28 January:
Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Northside Produce.
Samson Green:
Winners: L. Davis, K. Evans, S. Mason. Runners-up: J. Dingle, P. Sexton, H. Dingle. Sportspersons: R. Peatey, O. Grabe, G. Mallett.
Foundation Green:
Winners: P. Gillard, R. Chambers, W. Smith. Runners-up: K. Itzstein, G. Van Haren, B. Newton. Sportspersons: S. Squires, P. Ey, B. Peardon.
Saturday 30 January:
Winners: D. Petersen, D. Cooke, R. Sydenham. Sportspersons: R. Carey, V. Schmidt, B. Lowndes.
Selectors: Tuesday 2 February: K. Itzstein, M. Dick. Thursday 4 February: M. Nicol, G. Mallett. Saturday 6 February: V. Schmidt.
Competition Nominations are now open for Championship Singles, Pairs and Fours, Men and Women.
These will close on 13 February 2021. This will give players time to sort out their teams.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday 2 February 2021: Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Bull Financial. Skips responsible for own teams.
Thursday 4 February 2021: Social Bowls and Competitions to be advised.
Saturday 6 February 2021: Club AGM at 10 a.m. Election of BOM Positions for 2021. Come along and vote. BBQ Lunch & Bowls.
Tuesday 9 February 2021; Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Rudy's Termite and Pest Control.
Thursday 11 February 2021: Social Bowls and Competitions to be advised.
Saturday 13 February 2021: No Bowls. Club Booked for a Private Function.
Sunday 14 February 2021: Bowls visit to Bargara Bowls Club at 1.00 p.m. start. Names on sheet for the visit.
Tuesday 16 February 2021: BOM Meeting at 10.00 a.m. followed by Social Bowls at 1.00 p.m. Names in by 12.30 p.m.
Thursday 18 February 2021: Social Bowls and Competitions to be advised.
Saturday 27 February 2021: Mixed Triples $600.00 Day sponsored by Spring Lakes Resort at 1.00 p.m.
Club Members don't forget the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 6 February at 10.00 a.m. A good Roll-up would be appreciated.
Good bowling.