Bowls Notes 15th Dec 2018
Post date: Dec 17, 2018 7:18:11 AM
Weeks results:- Tuesday Ham Day sponsored by BUNDABERG EYE CLINIC Samson Green Winners H.Dingle (Team) Runners Up B.Mann (Team) Sportsmen A.Eversham (Team).Foundation Green Winners L.Donaldson (Team) Runners Up F.Millerick (Team) Sportsmen V.Smith (Team) Thursday Winners J.Clough G.Selley. Sportsmen V.Smith V.Stewart.
Coming Events Nominations for champ. of champs close 12th. February 2019. Mens AGM Saturday 26 Jan. at 9am. Club AGM 26th. January at 10 am. Mens committee meeting 11 AM. Tuesday 18 TH. December. Club closed for bowls till Saturday 12 th.January 2019. Raffle Winners 1St. B.Pershouse. 2ND.A.Sbrizzi. 3 rd. C.Hippely. 4TH.E.Hopton .5th.Doc Watson 6th Dennis Petersen 7th Howard Sparke 8th Edna Angove 9th Jeff Ferguson.
Bundaberg Bowls Club wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and a great New Year.Phone the club 41513183 or John .Don’t forget New Years Eve --- Bowls, BBQ and watch the fireworks from our club, start 4pm.