Bowls Notes 13th May 2016
Post date: May 15, 2016 3:39:11 AM
Results from 13th May, 2016: Semi Final of Championship Pairs, K. Ole and B. Elworthy defeated D. Munro and C. Marcinkus. Final of Championship Triples: D.Munro, C. Marcinkus and S, Sparke defeated J. Barrett, P. Grant and B. Elworthy.. Congratulations to Shirley’s team on winning this event and also congratulations to Barbara’s team on reaching the final. Social results: S. Gastaldon and H. Schmidt defeated G. Browning and D. Dolan, E. Angove and L. Lathouras defeated M. Peterson and J. Reed.
Competition call for 20th May at 1.00 p.m.: Final of championship pairs: K. Ole and B. Elworthy V P. Grant and B. Pershouse
We have sheets on the board for P/P Day on 3rd June, Bowling Arm Competition 19th June, Pennants for September, and Bundaberg Trophy Shield to be held at Moore Park on 6th and 7th June.
We need one side of 7 players for this game. Please put your names up on these sheets if you are available to play in these events.
Welcome back to the Club Janet Reed who has re-joined as a social member. Good to see you back Janet. Welcome also to new member Lesley Kemp. We hope you have a happy and long association with our club Lesley and we look forward to seeing you on the green with us each Friday.
Visiting bowlers to Bundaberg and local bowlers are most welcome to joins us on Fridays at 1.00 p.m. for social play. We now have money prizes for Lucky Rink Winners and Lucky Rink Losers. Please phone the club on 41 513183 before 12.30p.m. to have your name in for afternoon play at 1.00 p.m.