Bowls Notes 10th June 2016
Post date: Jun 13, 2016 3:47:59 AM
Competition for Friday 17th June: Graded Fours - C. Neilson. P. Grant. K. Ole and B. Elworthy V J. Reed, G. Browning, J. Barrett and L. Scougall
Social results from 10th June: M. Peterson, D. Dolan and S. Sparke defeated P Grant, J. Barrett and K. Small. H. Schmidt defeated C. Marcinkus, G. Browning, J. Reed and L. Scougall defeated E. Angove. J. Reed and L. Lathouras..
Upcoming Events: Armed bowling Day, We urgently need two people with an arm to replace one of our own who has been taken ill and one more to fill a team; If there is anyone out there who would assist us we would be so grateful. Please contact me, Kay Ole or Barbara Elworthy
Open Triples on 5th August: The flyers will be going out very soon for this event, Please get your teams organised and put them up on the Board.
It was nice to have Pam Maitland join us for afternoon tea on Friday. We hope you will soon be able to join us on thee green Pam.
Playing days at our Club are on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and Friday afternoon is Ladies day, but men and visitors are also invited to join us.