Bowls Notes 2nd June 2017
Post date: Jun 04, 2017 3:54:35 AM
Friday June 2nd President Shirley Sparke and Patroness Beris Pershouse celebrated their special day with teams from all of the clubs in our District together with a team from the BDLBA. It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed their game and the delicious afternoon tea. The winners on the day were : Bundaberg defeated BDBA, Burnet defeated Bundaberg, Bundaberg defeated Brothers, Woodgate defeated Bundaberg, Barbara defeated Easts, Isis defeated Across the Waves, Moore Park defeated Past Presidents and Gin Gin defeated Elliott Heads.
Luck President was Across the Waves, Lucky Patroness was Gin Gin, Spiders went to D. Lines and D. Dolan. Home Winners were D. Dolan, M. Foster, J. Reed and E. Penney. The away winning team went to Isis Club: M.Green R. Zimitat , C. Boldenson and D. Pratt.
Invited guests: Shirley Heidke, Doris Munro, Joan Green,Ann Barnard Joan Jones and K. Ole.
Apologies J. Wilkie, Shirley Gastaldon, J. Nikora, M. Sommerfield, V Pentland, L.. O;Shea, V. Stewart. M. Nicol. C. Marcinkus and
V. Priebe.
UPCOMING EVENTS - Ladies Fours on the 16th June, 2 games of 21 ends. We have room for more teams so get a team together and join us at the Bundaberg Bowls Club on that day at 8.30 a.m. for morning tea and play commences at 9.00 a,m.
Good bowling to all playing in the Bundaberg Trophy Shield on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th June, Don't forget its a 9.00 a.m. start.
Visitors to Bundaberg and Bundaberg bowlers are most welcome to join us for a game of social bowls on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon at 1.00 p.m. Please have your names in to the selectors by 12.30 p.m. by phoning the club on 41 513183, John Clough or Barbara Elworthy