Bowls Notes 8th Sept 2018
Post date: Sep 09, 2018 3:9:17 AM
Weeks Results :- Tuesday 4 September, Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by the Optical Superstore, Samson Green Winners, J. Dingle, Des, H. Dingle. Runner Up, B. Pershouse, J. Wilkie, C. Marcinkus. Sportsman, K. Mitchell, R. Wells, M. Nichol. Foundation Green Winners, G. Ferguson, V. Mallett, G. Ayrton. Runner Up, S. White, L. Scougall, J. Scougall. Sportsman, K. Itzstein, C. Daniel, J. Francis. Thursday 6 September, Birthday Club Winners, S. Sparke, G. Elworthy. Runner Up, D. Petersen, A. Edgerton. Sportsman, S. Hucker, K. Itzstein, W. George. Saturday 8 September, Nil. Selectors: Tuesday 11th Sept, D. Petersen, V. Schmidt. Thursday 13th , J. Clough, G. Mallett. Saturday 15th , J.Craig. Pennant Competition, Division 2 Gin Gin def. Bundaberg. Division 4 Bundaberg Bye. Next Saturday 15th , Division 2 Bundaberg Plays East at Bundaberg. Division 4 Final, Bundaberg plays Bargara at Bargara. Coming Events:Tuesday 11th Sept, Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Rudy's Termite and Pest Management. Tuesday 18th Sept, Men General Meeting at 10am followed by BOM Meeting at 11am. Tuesday 25th Sept Visit from Maroon, Arm Bowler Mixed Triples at 9.30 am One Non Arm-Bowler as Lead. Ring Barb Elworthy on 41533700. Thursday 27th Sept, Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Friendly Society Private Hospital. Playing days: Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday names by 12.30. Play starts at 1pm Visitors and ladies welcome. Phone the Club on 41513183 or John