Bowls Notes 22nd March 2019
Post date: Mar 25, 2019 3:44:13 AM
Results of Games played Friday 22nd MARCH 19.
Ladies Open Fours:
Winners: Team 10 = 2 W + 48 J. Barrett M. Dick K. Mitchell M. Nicol
Second Place: Team 3. = 2 W + 46 J Wilkie E Hopton H Schmidt C Marcinkus
Third Place: Team 18. = 2 W + 43 margin 18 Kate Maxine Michelle S. Kington
Fourth Place: Team 13. = 2 W + 43 margin 14 D Dingle D Maultby L Strahan B Stebhens
A big thankyou to all the sponsors, Kyle for the greens
Kay Clough the bar, John Clough & Greg Mallett Umpire
Victor the Computer Board Doreen Francis David Troughton
Elaine Hopton your biscuits wonderful as usual
Our wonderful kitchen ladies, all of the members who helped in any way
NO SOCIAL BOWLS THURSDAY 28th March, It is $420.00 Triples Afternoon
Competition Call: No competition this week
Remember Members you will be called TUESDAY or THURSDAY
where they are not booked for money days.
may be called all day.
Mixed Social Bowls Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Club 41513183 Ring Barbara Elworthy or John Clough