Bowls Notes 7th Oct 2018
Post date: Oct 07, 2018 11:30:31 PM
Weeks Results :- Tuesday 2nd Oct., Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by Planet Shade, Samson Green Winners, Jim Schlutes, Viv Sauer, Rob Pershouse. Runner Up, C Suzor, kay Suzor, B Hofstetter. Sportsman, P Gillard, J Scougall, Sueanne Kington. Foundation Green Winners, C Stark, R Beyer, B Beardon. Runner Up, C Smith, L Bauer, V Smith. Sportsman, K Itzstein, C Daniel E Hopton. Thursday 4th Oct. , Winners, A Halt, J Clough. Runner Up, R Harrison, B Newton, D Robinson, Sportsman, V Stewart, G Stewart.
Saturday 6th Oct. R Harrison V Schmidt R Ribbans Selectors: Tuesday 9th Oct, V Schmidt, J Clough. Thursday 11th Oct, J. Clough. Saturday 13th Oct J CraigBundaberg. Saturday 29th September, Competition results: Mixed Fours, C Marcinkus V Sauer A Pershouse R. Pershouse def.K Itzstein, J Reed D Petersen W George.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the Bundaberg Men who played in the Anderson Shield, they def. Bargara in the Final. Coming Events: Tuesday 16thth Oct, Men General Meeting at 10.00 a.m. followed by BOM Meeting at 11.00 a.m. Mixed Triples $420.00 Day sponsored by NIAGARA. Playing days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, names by 12.30. Play starts at 1.00 p.m. Visitors and ladies welcome. Phone the Club on 41513183 or John