Bowls Notes 27th Oct 2017
Post date: Oct 29, 2017 7:53:38 AM
Results of games played Friday 27th Oct Consistency Singles: L Lathouras def S Sparke
Club Pairs: J Barrett & C Marcinkus def J Reed & M Nicol
Social: J Wilkie & J Nikora def E Angove & G Roberts
Trophy Winners: J Wilkie & J Nikora
Competition Call: Consistency Singles: L Lathouras v C Marcinkus Marker E Hopton
Patroness Triples: Shirley Gastaldon Doreen Francis Beris Pershouse v J Wilkie G Roberts S Sparke
Ladies Committee Meeting Friday 3rd 9.30 am
Mixed Social Bowls: Visiting Bowlers and Bowlers all are very welcome to join our members in a game of bowls.
Our playing days are Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Afternoon 1pm start
Please ring the Club on 41513183 or John Clough on Barbara Elworthy